Development of Suplly Chain

Setec was the pioneer consultancy in Brazil to create a supply chain development project for large clients.


It has been identified that over the years, more than 60% of the problems found in large companies come from their supply chain. In 1994, we created the Interface Project, which focuses on training suppliers and sub-suppliers with a significant reduction in failures and optimization of processes.

How it works?

To accurately meet expectations, see the 6 steps of the program:




1. Diagnosis

Understand the company’s value chain, map key suppliers to structure methodologies to develop them. Mapping of the current supplier management process, survey of improvement opportunities, assembling a proposal for the future map, incorporating the necessary methodologies and indicators.



2. Material Development

We will adapt the existing standards and create new documentation and monitoring standards according to the future maps prepared.



3. Schedule

We will develop training for suppliers that will be given at the company, at Setec or directly at its facilities, so that they absorb the new methodologies and can implement them in practice.



4. Monitoring

Through an exclusive portal within the Setec website, we will engage the supplier in the project and follow up by the parent company.




5. Meetings

We will provide consulting and auditing support to all the company’s suppliers. The progress of the project and its adjustments will be made through feedback meetings.



6. Next steps

The company will cover the first two topics of the program (Diagnosis and Development of Material), and the following will have zero cost for it, being paid by suppliers with prices below the market.

Benefits for companies

Benefits for suppliers

  • Predictability

    Supply chain efficiency.

  • Sustainability

    Loss reduction and quality improvement.

  • Economy

    Cost reduction in hiring qualified service.

  • Growth

    Increased business and networking opportunities between participating companies.

  • Qualification

    Increase in quality management and quality management.

  • Economy

    Reduction of qualification costs.

Clients who developed the Interface Project